

Because the cooperative exists by and for the members, elected board members act as trustees of the members’ assets and interests. Directors are expected to act in a manner that is fair and equitable to all members, not just the members of the district each represents.

  • Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) is the third largest electric utility in the state
  • GVEA owns and operates 9 generation facilities in Healy, Fairbanks, North Pole, and Delta Junction
  • 推荐十大正规网赌平台近45人,000 meters from Cantwell north along the Parks Highway and from Fairbanks south to Fort Greely along the Richardson Highway

Directors hold the responsibility for managing this multi-million-dollar business with assets of nearly $744 million and annual operating income that exceeded $240 million in 2019.

权威 & 责任

Board members are responsible for several strategic and operational functions, including:

  • 聘请总统 & 首席执行官
  • Delegating appropriate authority to the President & 首席执行官 to fulfill his/her responsibilities
  • Reviewing the performance of the President & 首席执行官每年
  • Establishing strategic initiatives
  • Analyzing and approving policies, plans, and budgets


In addition to the requirements of state regulations and statutes, the board is bound by the requirements of:

  • GVEA’s Articles of Incorporation
  • GVEA的规章制度
  • Board Policies and Procedures
  • 国税局规定
  • Requirements of the Rural Utility 推荐十大正规网赌平台 (formerly REA) and financial lenders

董事会成员特征 & 能力

An effective board member has the willingness and ability to:

  • Gain sufficient knowledge of GVEA to become an effective director
  • Commit the time necessary to fulfill the duties and responsibilities
  • Balance district needs with goals, philosophy and plans of entire co-op
  • Study all materials carefully
  • 问一些探索性的问题
  • Assume an objective role and consider tradeoffs and consequences of decisions
  • Communicate with the members and understand their concerns


To become and remain current with industry trends and best practices, directors are required to obtain the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) designation within 2 and a half years of becoming a director.

  • The CCD prepares a director to fulfill their fiduciary duty as an elected official serving on behalf of the cooperative
  • The CCD is earned by attending all 5 required courses and successfully completing a learning assessment of each


  • Director Duties and Liabilities
  • Understanding the Electric Business
  • Board Operations and Process
  • Strategic Planning and Financial Decision Making

Time Commitment / Meetings

Serving on GVEA’s board takes a considerable amount of time. A director can expect to spend the equivalent of 35 to 40 days a year on GVEA business. This includes in-town and out-of-town meetings as listed below, as well as additional time and travel for any external trade associations a board member may sit on.

  • Regular monthly board meetings: 12 meetings per year, typically held on the fourth Monday of each month
  • Special board meetings: Approximately 3 to 4 per year
  • 委员会推荐十大正规网赌平台: 1 meeting every few months
  • National trade association meetings: Approximately 10 days – usually scheduled late January to early March
  • 区域推荐十大正规网赌平台: Approximately a 5-day event – usually scheduled in September
  • 全国范围内的推荐十大正规网赌平台: Approximately a 3- to 4-day event – usually scheduled in August
  • 立法推荐十大正规网赌平台: Approximately 2- to 4-day event – usually scheduled February/March
  • Educational requirements,如上所述

注意: Times noted includes travel and attendance in meetings/classes.


Directors do not receive salaries but are compensated by meeting fees, 里程, and federal per diem rates when traveling.

  • 推荐十大正规网赌平台费用, depending on meeting length and location, range from $300 to $600 per meeting, 加费用
  • A board member can typically expect to be compensated $12,000 to $22,000, annually
  • Standard 里程 rates apply for roundtrip travel.


(1) Health insurance is available. Any director who opts for this coverage pays 100% of the premium. In 2020, this is approximately $1,625 per month.